Modeling in New York - How can you start?

There are so many people looking to get started as a model, some are really serious, some are not. It is first important as an aspiring model to figure out why you really want to do it.

Modeling in New York - How to Start for Real

If your goal is to be rich and famous, becoming a model is not worth it

Like anything new, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to reach success. Many people think of modeling like it was in the 1980's, big hair and big paychecks. Modeling is so different now, many agencies are turning into content kings or media companies.

If you really want something, expect to invest in it. That is the most honest option I can give to someone who is looking to start as a model or actor. People like that you can walk into an agency without a head shot or professional book, or they think it is free for them for some reason...(?) like building a house, you need the tools to start.

Advice of the day - if you want to model really think about why you want it.


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